I am a two-time Scholastic Art & Writing Awards National Silver Medalist in Poetry, an award presented at Carnegie Hall by Michelle Obama, Sarah Jessica Parker, Lena Dunham and Usher among others (2013, 2014). Awards are given to fewer than 1% of submissions, and it was an honor to represent my state of Washington! Past Scholastic Art & Writing Awards winners include Sylvia Plath, Truman Capote, Stephen King, Ken Burns, and Andy Warhol.
Available on Amazon
My poetry also has been featured in Cleaver Magazine (2016) and Once Unspoken: A Series of Monologues From the Previously Unheard by transgender activist Marissa McCool, whose original story was one of the few ever added to an independent Vagina Monologues production (2018). I am also a contributing writer for The Huffington Post (2016-).
Thai party hostel, elephant sanctuary, bar crawl (2019)
Award-winning creative writing education at the busiest library system in the U.S. (2011-2014)